Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!

Well Halloween is upon us again. In our little town we did not trick-or-treat on Halloween we went the night before. It does not seem to make much sense but we had fun anyway. This year we had 10 children in our group to set off and conquer the neighborhood. It took us about an hour and a half and we ended up finishing with 7 children. A few were tired and headed home early. We had a ninja turtle, a stormtrooper, a mad scientist, and a frog with pink glasses in our family!! With all the children we had two ninja turtles, two scientist, a stormtrooper, a vampire, a spider man, a cow girl, a monkey and still a froggy with pink glasses. We were quite a sight walking down the street. It was a really nice night and the weather was actually great for us this year. Nana is always nice enough to stay at our house and pass out the candy, this way Todd and I are able to take the kids around. Well another Halloween down and now off to the holiday season.......

1 comment:

beanhead said...

Sounds like fun was had by all. I love the costumes. And you are right we are now off and running to the Holidays.